If an image is worth a thousand words,
a video is worth a million.

See why video is the most powerful way to communicate your message…

Visit the marketer’s website after viewing a video.
— Forbes
That’s how much more likely website visitors are to buy a product on an online retail site after watching a video.
— comScore Inc.
Including a video in an introductory email increased the click-through rate by 96%.
— Implix
Videos are shared 1200 more times than links and text combined.
— Orion 21
Videos increase people’s understanding of your product or service by 74%.
— Quicksprout
12% of viewers purchase the specific product featured in the ad.
— Zabisco
Real estate listings with videos receive 403% more inquiries.
— Wake Brand Media
Visitors who view videos stay on the site an average of 2 minutes longer than those who don’t view videos.
— comScore Inc.